Migration from 5.x to 6.x

This is the list of incompatibilities you may encounter when migrating your application to KVision 6.0.0.

General changes

  • Java 17 is now required to develop all KVision applications and to run KVision fullstack applications. You may need to select JDK 17 in the File -> Project structure menu in the IntelliJ IDEA.

  • The legacy backend is no longer supported - be sure you are using IR.

  • The fluent pattern has been removed from many components and containers which means some methods no longer return the component instance. Most notably the onClick method now returns handler id (like all other event methods). It could be a problem if you directly use add() methods instead of DSL.

// Works in KVision 5, doesn't work in KVision 6
add(Button("OK").onClick {
    // do something

// Works is KVision 5 and KVision 6
button("OK").onClick {
    // do something

Modules and components

  • Spinner and Range components have been moved to the new io.kvision.form.number package.

  • Select, Spinner and Upload are now different components. The old Upload component based on bootstrap-fileinput library is still available as BootstrapUpload. The old Select and Spinner components are no longer available. If you need advanced features use new TomSelect , Spinner, Numeric and IMaskNumeric components.

  • The Spinner component is now only for integer values. Use Numeric or ImaskNumeric components for decimal/float values.

  • Typeahead component is no longer available. Use TomTypeahead from kvision-tom-select module instead.

  • The kvision-bootstrap-css and kvision-bootstrap-dialog modules have been removed and are no longer necessary. BootstrapCssModule initializer works like before but is contained in the main kvision-bootstrap module.

  • When using Tabulator component you need to use one of available css initializers. Use TabulatorCssBootstrapModule initializer for Bootstrap 5 theme.

  • The serializer parameter is now required when initializing Tabulator with Kotlin data model. In most cases it should be enough to use serializer = serializer(). Of course your data model must be @Serializable now.

  • The Navigo 7 router from kvision-routing-navigo module uses # as the default hash sign. Use Routing.init(hash = "#!") if you want to restore the previous behaviour.

  • The routing global variable has been removed. The internal router instance is returned by the Routing.init() method.

  • The kvision-toast module is no longer available. Use kvision-toastify instead with ToastifyModule initializer. The new Toast component has a bit different API (e.g. use danger() method instead of error())

Other changes

  • The getElement() method returns HTMLElement type instead of Node. In some rare cases your code may not compile until the type is changed.

  • The Cordova KVision API uses now kotlin.Result<T> instead of a self-implemented Result class. You need to adjust your code if you develop Cordova applications with KVision.

  • The panelsCompatibilityMode option (compatibility with KVision 4) has been removed.

  • Lots of old, deprecated API has been removed. Be sure you to fix all your deprecation warnings before upgrading to KVision 6.

Last updated