

  • Automatic language detection (based on the browser language settings).

  • Dynamic language change with automatic re-rendering of the whole application GUI.

  • Multi-language support for built-in complex components:

    • datetime control - 46 languages

    • select control - 12 languages

    • upload control - 39 languages

    • richtext editor - 2 languages

    Contributions are welcomed.

  • Minimal impact of internationalization process on the application source code.

  • Automatic extraction of text to be translated from the application code.

  • Support for well known translation files format (gettext *.po files).


To create a multi-language application you have to add the kvision-i18n module as a dependency for your project.

dependencies {
// ...
    compile "io.kvision:kvision-i18n:${kvisionVersion}"
// ...

Using multi-language text in application sources

To mark some text for translation just use one of the four available helper methods from the io.kvision.i18n.I18n object instead of plain string literals.




Dynamic translation for singular form.


Dynamic translation for plural forms.


Static translation for singular form.


Static translation for plural forms.

Dynamic translations are bound to the components they are part of (tag content, button text etc.). They are dynamically changed when the current language for the application is changed.

// ...
// ...

span(tr("Label text"))
button(tr("Button text"))

Static translations are evaluated only when the helper method is called. They can be used to translate text not bound to any KVision component.

// ...
import io.kvision.i18n.gettext
// ...

console.log(gettext("Some info message"))

KVision has support for plural language forms, so you can use ntr or ngettext methods when plural forms are necessary.

// ...
import io.kvision.i18n.I18n.ntr
// ...

val count = 5
hPanel {
    span(ntr("file", "files", count))

The gettext and ngettext methods allow you to use additional runtime parameters, using gettext.js substitution mechanism and the following format of translation files:

msgid "%2 has one car"
msgid_plural "%2 has %1 cars"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "%2 has one car"
msgid_plural "%2 has %1 cars"
msgstr[0] "%2 ma jeden samochód"
msgstr[1] "%2 ma %1 samochody"
msgstr[2] "%2 ma %1 samochodów"

Use this translation in your application like this:

ngettext("%2 has one car", "%2 has %1 cars", 3, "Robert")

Translation files

Until you create and initialize translation files for some other language, your application will use string literals used in the source code. It's probably a good practice to use English literals in your code and other languages in the translation files.

To generate basic translation files run the command:

./gradlew generatePotFile                                (on Linux)
gradlew.bat generatePotFile                              (on Windows)

This command will search your sources for any usages of internationalization methods (tr or others) and generate a messages.pot file in the src/jsMain/resources/i18n directory. This file is the base for your translations. For any language you would like to support, copy the messages.pot file to messages-XX.po, where XX is a country code (en, de, es, fr etc.). These files should be translated according to the PO format specification. You can use many popular tools for editing PO files to simplify the translation process.

You should correctly set Language and Plural-Forms headers of your PO files.

After adding some new texts to your sources you can call the ./gradlew generatePotFile task to refresh the messages.pot file. You can then use the msgmerge tool from the GNU gettext package to merge new keys with existing translation files. You can also add new msgid and msgstr lines to your translation files by hand.

Initializing translations

To initialize translations for one or more languages, you need to initialize the I18n.manager property during application initialization (preferably in the start method of your Application object). You should add all supported languages to the map given as the parameter to the DefaultI18nManager constructor.

class Helloworld : Application() {
    override fun start() {
        // ...
        I18n.manager =
                        "en" to require("i18n/messages-en.json"),
                        "pl" to require("i18n/messages-pl.json"),
                        "de" to require("i18n/messages-de.json")
        // ...

Changing the current language

The current language is bound to the I18n.language property. This property is initialized with the default country code from the browser language settings. It can be changed at any time from your code.

select(listOf("en" to "English", "de" to "Deutsch"), I18n.language) {
    onEvent {
        change = {
            I18n.language = self.value ?: "en"

Last updated