Dark mode

KVision fully supports Bootstrap dark mode. You can use io.kvision.theme.ThemeManager component from the kvision-bootstrap module to work with color themes.

import io.kvision.theme.ThemeManager

class MyApp : Application() {
    init {

By default theme manager is initialized with auto-detected mode and saves the mode selected by the user in the browser local storage. You can modify this behavior with additional parameters of the init() method.

import io.kvision.theme.Theme
import io.kvision.theme.ThemeManager

class MyApp : Application() {
    init {
        ThemeManager.init(initialTheme = Theme.DARK, remember = false)

You can use ThemeManager.theme property to manually select the color theme.

button("Switch to dark mode").onClick {
    ThemeManager.theme = Theme.DARK

You can also use built-in ThemeSwitcher, component which is a Button subclass designed as the color mode toggler (you need to also include Font Awesome module for icons).

themeSwitcher(style = ButtonStyle.OUTLINESECONDARY, round = true)

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