Creating a New Application

Creating a new application

The recommended way to create a new application is to use KVision Project Wizard plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. Just install the plugin from JetBrains Marketplace in your IDE and run File -> New -> Project... from the main menu. Choose KVision group, select desired project type and choose modules from the list on the first page. On the second page choose your project name and location. Your project will be generated and opened in IDE when you click Finish button. After a few moments required to download all required dependencies you are ready to go.

You can also download and copy the KVision template project, available on GitHub.


The build.gradle.kts file is responsible for the definition of the build process. It declares all required dependencies (in particular KVision optional modules). KVision Gradle plugin is used to simplify the configuration.

import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.js.webpack.KotlinWebpackConfig

plugins {
    val kotlinVersion: String by System.getProperties()
    kotlin("plugin.serialization") version kotlinVersion
    kotlin("multiplatform") version kotlinVersion
    val kvisionVersion: String by System.getProperties()
    id("io.kvision") version kvisionVersion

version = "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
group = "com.example"

repositories {

// Versions
val kotlinVersion: String by System.getProperties()
val kvisionVersion: String by System.getProperties()

kotlin {
    js(IR) {
        browser {
            runTask(Action {
                mainOutputFileName = "main.bundle.js"
                sourceMaps = false
                devServer = KotlinWebpackConfig.DevServer(
                    open = false,
                    port = 3000,
                    proxy = mutableMapOf(
                        "/kv/*" to "http://localhost:8080",
                        "/kvws/*" to mapOf("target" to "ws://localhost:8080", "ws" to true)
                    static = mutableListOf("$buildDir/processedResources/js/main")
            webpackTask(Action {
                mainOutputFileName = "main.bundle.js"
            testTask(Action {
                useKarma {
    sourceSets["jsMain"].dependencies {
    sourceSets["jsTest"].dependencies {

Source code

The source code for the application is contained in src/jsMain directory. It consists of Kotlin sources in kotlin directory, optional resources (e.g. images, CSS files, Handlebars templates, translation files), and main index.html file in a web directory.

Test sources are contained in src/jsTest directory.

The Application class

The main KVision application class must extend the io.kvision.Application class and override thestart method.

class App : Application() {

    override fun start() {
        root("kvapp") {
            // TODO

fun main() {
    startApplication(::App,, CoreModule)

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