Navigation and menus

This components allows you to create a navigation bar on the top or bottom of the page. A navigation bar can contain different types of navigation components: links, menus and forms. A navigation bar is created with the pl.treksoft.kvision.navbar.Navbar class. You can choose a label, a type (normal, fixed to top, fixed to bottom, static on top) and whether the navigation bar colors should be inverted.

navbar(label = "A super brand", type = NavbarType.FIXEDTOP, inverted = true) {
    // ...

Next you can add some navs (by using the pl.treksoft.kvision.navbar.Nav or pl.treksoft.kvision.navbar.Navform classes) and finally you can add your navigation components.

navbar("NavBar") {
    nav {
        tag(TAG.LI) {
            link("File", icon = "fa-file")
        tag(TAG.LI) {
            link("Edit", icon = "fa-bars")
            listOf("Basic formatting" to "#!/basic", "Forms" to "#!/forms"),
            icon = "fa-star",
            forNavbar = true
    navForm {
        text(label = "Search:")
    nav(rightAlign = true) {
        tag(TAG.LI) {
            link("System", icon = "fa-windows")

Please note setting forNavbar = true property when adding the DropDown component to the navigation bar changes the look to match an inline dropdown.

This component displays a menu with a list of links. It can be used inside the Navbar container or as a standalone component anywhere in your application. The pl.treksoft.kvision.dropdown.DropDown class has a bunch of useful options. You can choose button style and size, using all style and size attributes available for standard buttons. You can choose whether you want a caret on the button and in which direction the menu will open.

The content of the menu can be defined in two ways. You can use elements: List<StringPair>? parameter of the class constructor and define all menu items from a static list. You can even use special options from the DD enum class to make an item a header, a separator or to make it disabled.

    "Dropdown with special options", elements = listOf(
        "Header" to DD.HEADER.option,
        "Basic formatting" to "#!/basic",
        "Forms" to "#!/forms",
        "Buttons" to "#!/buttons",
        "Separator" to DD.SEPARATOR.option,
        "Dropdowns (disabled)" to DD.DISABLED.option,
        "Separator" to DD.SEPARATOR.option,
        "Containers" to "#!/containers"
    ), "fa-asterisk", style = ButtonStyle.PRIMARY

Another way is to add all children components to the DropDown container manually. Use this way to have full control over menu content (e.g. add images or other non-text components). Use pl.treksoft.kvision.dropdown.Header and pl.treksoft.kvision.dropdown.Separator helper classes to create header or separator items. As always you should use DSL builders whenever possible.

dropDown("Dropdown with custom list", icon = "fa-picture-o") {
    minWidth = 250.px
    image(require("img/cat.jpg")) { margin = 10.px; title = "Cat" }
    image(require("img/dog.jpg")) { margin = 10.px; title = "Dog" }


This component allows you to define a context menu for any widget. The menu is typically opened with a right mouse button click. The pl.treksoft.kvision.dropdown.ContextMenu class is a subclass of a pl.treksoft.kvision.html.ListTag. To create a menu, you can add components like pl.treksoft.kvision.html.Link, pl.treksoft.kvision.dropdown.Header, pl.treksoft.kvision.dropdown.Separator or others to the ContextMenu container . Next, bind the menu to your widget with the setContextMenu method of some pl.treksoft.kvision.core.Widget class. You can also use DSL builders to simplify all of this.

contextMenu {
    header("Menu header")
    link("First option", "#!/first")
    link("Second option", "#!/second")
    dropDown("Submenu", forNavbar = true) {
        link("Third option", "#!/third")
        link("Fourth option", "#!/fourth")

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