Spring Boot

Spring Boot is an open source Java-based framework made to ease the bootstrapping and development of the Spring applications. It is developed by Pivotal, and is a part of the Spring Framework. It gives you easy access to rich Spring ecosystem, with many enterprise-grade libraries and technologies. Spring Boot applications can be written in Kotlin and the language is officially supported by the framework.

Build configuration

The integration with Spring Boot is contained in the kvision-server-spring-boot module. It has to be added as the dependency in the server target. This module depends on the spring-boot-starter, spring-boot-starter-web, jackson-module-kotlin and pac4j-core libraries. Any other dependencies can be added to build.gradle.kts and then be used in your application.

dependencies {

Application configuration

The standard way to configure Spring Boot application is src/backendMain/resources/application.yml file. It contains options needed for optional dependencies. It can be empty if they are not used.


Service class

The implementation of the service class comes down to implementing required interface methods and making it a Spring component by using a @Service annotation with a "prototype" scope.

@Scope(value = ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE)
actual class AddressService : IAddressService {
    override suspend fun getAddressList(search: String?, sort: Sort) {
        return listOf()
    override suspend fun addAddress(address: Address) {
        return Address()
    override suspend fun updateAddress(id: Int, address: Address) {
        return Address()
    override suspend fun deleteAddress(id: Int) {
        return false

Spring IoC (Inversion of Control) allows you to inject resources and other Spring components into your service class. You can use standard Spring @Autowired annotation. In particular you can inject Environment, ServletContext, HttpServletRequest and HttpSession objects.

@Scope(value = ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE)
actual class AddressService : IAddressService {
    lateinit var env: Environment
    lateinit var servletContext: ServletContext
    lateinit var request: HttpServletRequest
    lateinit var session: HttpSession

    override suspend fun getAddressList(search: String?, sort: Sort) {
        println(env.getProperty("option1", "default"))
        return listOf()
    // ...

You can also inject custom Spring components, defined throughout your application.

Note: The new instance of the service class will be created by Spring for every server request. Use servlet context, session or request objects to store your state with appropriate scope.

Application class

To allow KVision work with Spring Boot you have to pass all instances of the KVServiceManager objects (defined in common code) to the Spring environment. You do this by defining a provider method for the List<KVServiceManager<Any>> instance in the main application class.

import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication
import org.springframework.boot.runApplication
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean

class KVApplication {
    fun getManagers() = listOf(AddressServiceManager)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

Authentication with Pac4j

KVision is already integrated with Pac4j security engine and you can use the Profile class in common, frontend and backend code. The configuration below allows you to use Spring WebMVC Pac4j project with your KVision application. By using addPathPatternsFromServices extension function you can enable authentication for selected services.

class MyDbProfileService constructor(ds: DataSource) :
    DbProfileService(ds, SpringSecurityPasswordEncoder(BCryptPasswordEncoder()))

class Pac4jConfig {
    lateinit var myDbProfileService: MyDbProfileService
    fun config(): Config {
        val formClient = FormClient("/") { credentials, context ->
            myDbProfileService.validate(credentials as UsernamePasswordCredentials, context)
        val clients = Clients("http://localhost:8080/callback", formClient)
        val config = Config(clients)
        return config

@ComponentScan(basePackages = arrayOf("org.pac4j.springframework.web"))
class SecurityConfig : WebMvcConfigurer {
    private val config: Config? = null

    override fun addInterceptors(registry: InterceptorRegistry) {
        registry.addInterceptor(SecurityInterceptor(config, "FormClient"))
            .addPathPatternsFromServices(listOf(AddressServiceManager, ProfileServiceManager))

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