Tooltips and popovers

Every component in KVision can display a tooltip and a popover, both are based on Bootstrap components.


A tooltip is a small informational text component usually displayed when a mouse pointer stops over the given component (you can also change the default trigger). By default the tooltip content is taken from the title property of the component.

To activate the tooltip handler use the enableTooltip method from the Widget class.

button("A button") {
    title = "This is a tooltip"

Use disableTooltip to deactivate the handler.

The enableTooltip method takes the TooltipOptions object as a parameter. It allows you to specify the alternative text if the title property is not set, specify if the content contains HTML formatting, disable animation, set the tooltip delay, the placement and the list of trigger events (by default tooltips are triggered by hover and focus events).

button("A button") {
        title = "This is a <b>rich</b> tooltip",
        rich = true,
        delay = 1000,
        placement = Placement.BOTTOM,
        triggers = listOf(Trigger.CLICK, Trigger.HOVER)

You can use Trigger.MANUAL to disable automatic tooltip handling and then use the showTooltip() and hideTooltip() methods to control the visibility.

button("A button") {
        title = "Manual tooltip",
        triggers = listOf(Trigger.MANUAL)
    onClick {


A popover is a small informational window usually displayed when a user clicks on a given component (you can also change the default trigger). Unlike a tooltip, a popover has a title and content. By default the title is taken from the title property of the component and the content must be given as a parameter.

To activate the popover handler use enablePopover method from the Widget class.

button("A button") {
    title = "This is a popover title"
    enablePopover(PopoverOptions(content = "This is a popover content"))

Use disablePopover to deactivate the handler.

The enablePopover method takes the PopoverOptions object as a parameter. It allows you to specify the alternative title text if the title property is not set, as well as set the content text, specify if the title and/or content contains HTML formatting, disable animation, set the popover delay, the placement and the list of trigger events (by default popovers are triggered by a click event).

button("A button") {
        title = "This is a <b>rich</b> popover title",
        content = "This is a <b>rich</b> popover content",
        rich = true,
        delay = 1000,
        placement = Placement.BOTTOM,
        triggers = listOf(Trigger.CLICK)

You can use Trigger.MANUAL to disable automatic popover handling and then use showPopover() and hidePopover() methods to control the visibility programmatically.

button("A button") {
        title = "Manual popover",
        content = "Manual popover content",
        triggers = listOf(Trigger.MANUAL)
    setEventListener {
        dblclick = {

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