Tabulator remote

The pl.treksoft.kvision.tabulator.TabulatorRemote component, contained in the kvision-tabulator-remote module, is a subclass of the Tabulator component, dedicated for use with the server side interfaces. Unlike standard Tabulator component (which can also load data from an AJAX source but needs a defined endpoint) TabulatorRemote is bound directly to the method of the remote service. The method signature looks like this:

data class Row(val column1: String, val column2: String, val column3: String)

interface IRowDataService {
    fun rowData(page: Int?, size: Int?, filter: List<RemoteFilter>?, sorter: List<RemoteSorter>?): RemoteData<Row>

Note: This method doesn't need to be suspending, because it is not called directly on the client side.

This model is prepared for server side pagination, sorting and filtering, but the parameters are nullable, and will be sent only when configured by the appropriate TabulatorOptions .

        layout = Layout.FITCOLUMNS,
        pagination = PaginationMode.REMOTE,
        paginationSize = 3,
        ajaxFiltering = true,
        ajaxSorting = true,
        columns = listOf(
            ColumnDefinition("Column 1",, headerFilter = Editor.INPUT),
            ColumnDefinition("Column 2",,
            ColumnDefinition("Column 3",

The page parameter contains the current requested page, the size parameter - the number of requested rows, the filter and sorter parameters contain values of selected filters and sorters. The returned data is always wrapped into RemoteData class, defined as:

data class RemoteData<T>(val data: List<T> = listOf(), val last_page: Int = 0)

You can ignore last_page value, if the RemoteTabulator component is not configured for remote pagination.

Last updated