
This is a short overview of how to use server-side interface in KVision with the actual example. It contains just the basic concepts and ideas. You can find more information in the following chapters.

Let's assume we want to create an encoder application, that gets some text from the user and encodes it on the server with a chosen algorithm.

Common source set

We start by defining our data model and service interface in the common (shared) source set. We have to declare our "business" method as suspending.

enum class EncodingType {

interface IEncodingService {
    suspend fun encode(input: String, encodingType: EncodingType): String

Next we declare an expected class, which will be implemented in the frontend and backend modules, and define a KVServiceManager object, that will allow KVision to do its "magic".

expect class EncodingService : IEncodingService

object EncodingServiceManager : KVServiceManager<EncodingService>(EncodingService::class) {
    init {
        GlobalScope.launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) {

Note: The GlobalScope.launch builder is necessary because of the bug in the Kotlin/JS compiler (KT-27855).

Note: At this point the project will not compile correctly, because EncodingService class has no actual declarations.

Frontend source set

To implement EncodingService class in our KVision application, we inherit from the KVRemoteAgent class and implement the interface with a special call method.

actual class EncodingService : IEncodingService, KVRemoteAgent<EncodingService>(EncodingServiceManager) {
    override suspend fun encode(input: String, encodingType: EncodingType) = 
        call(IEncodingService::encode, input, encodingType)

That's all what is needed to use this service class in the frontend application.

val service = EncodingService()

vPanel {
    val input = textAreaInput()
    val select = selectInput(listOf(EncodingType.BASE64.name to "Base64",
        EncodingType.URLENCODE.name to "URL Encode", EncodingType.HEX.name to "Hex"))
    val button = button("Encode")
    val output = div()
    button.onClick {
        GlobalScope.launch {
            val encodingType = select.value?.let { EncodingType.valueOf(it) } ?: EncodingType.BASE64
            val result = service.encode(input.value ?: "", encodingType)
            output.content = result

Notice we just call the encode method and get the result value directly. All asynchronous operations are hidden by the framework. We only have to use a coroutine builder function (launch in this case).

Backend source set

(For convenience we will use Ktor module in this chapter)

To create an actual implementation of our EncodingService we just have to implement the methods of the service interface.

import java.net.URLEncoder
import acme.Base64Encoder
import acme.HexEncoder

actual class EncodingService : IEncodingService {
    override suspend fun encode(input: String, encodingType: EncodingType): String {
        return when (encodingType) {
                EncodingType.BASE64 -> {
                EncodingType.URLENCODE -> {
                    URLEncoder.encode(input, "UTF-8")
                EncodingType.HEX -> {

Finally, we initialize routing in the main application function.

import io.ktor.application.Application

fun Application.main() {
    routing {

When we run our application everything will work automatically - a call on the client side will run the code on the server and the result will be sent back to the caller.

That's all - our first, full-stack KVision application is ready!

You can find "encoder-fullstack-ktor", a complete application based on this overview (with some visual enhancements of the GUI), in the kvision-examples repository on GitHub.

Last updated