Using REST services

The class can be used to connect to any RESTfull services (it will work with any JSON over HTTP services). You can use remote services with both dynamic and type-safe calls (using @Serializable classes). The remoteCall and call methods of RestClient class return kotlin.js.Promise object.

Dynamic parameters, dynamic result

val restClient = RestClient()
val result: Promise<dynamic> = restClient.remoteCall("", obj { q = "kvision" })

Dynamic parameters, type-safe result

data class Repository(val id: Int, val full_name: String?, val description: String?, val fork: Boolean)

val restClient = RestClient()
val items: Promise<List<Repository>> = restClient.remoteCall("", obj { q = "kvision" }, deserializer = Repository.serializer().list) {

Type-safe parameters, dynamic result

data class Query(val q: String?)

val restClient = RestClient()
val result: Promise<dynamic> ="", Query("kvision"))

Type-safe parameters, type-safe result

data class Query(val q: String?)
data class SearchResult(val total_count: Int, val incomplete_results: Boolean)

val restClient = RestClient()
val searchResult: Promise<SearchResult> =<SearchResult, Query>("", Query("kvision"))

Note: The Promise object can be used directly or easily transformed to the Kotlin coroutine with asDeferred extension function (you need the kotlinx.coroutines library dependency).

Last updated