Using Redux

Redux is a popular predictable state container for JavaScript. You can use full power of Redux in your KVision applications by adding the kvision-redux module to your build.gradle.kts file. This module contains a dedicated implementation of ReduxStore backed by the original JS library.

KVision has built-in support for Redux DevTools Extension. Just install the extension for your browser and you can easily monitor and debug your Redux based application.


The state of the application is hidden inside the Redux store. It can not be modified from outside. The only way to change the state is to use the actions and the reducer function.

It's recommended to use a data class to represent the state.

data class MyState(val content: String, val counter: Int)


Actions are used to describe the possible changes of the state. Actions are represented as classes and they can contain additional data.

An action class have to inherit (directly or indirectly) from pl.treksoft.kvision.redux.RAction. It's recommended to use a sealed class, to be able to easily use exhaustive when expression.

sealed class MyAction : RAction {
    object Increment : MyAction()
    object Decrement : MyAction()
    data class SetContent(val content: String) : MyAction()

Reducer function

The reducer function actually changes the state. It is called after an action is dispatched to the store. A reducer is a pure function, that gets the current state and action, and calculates the new state of the application.

fun myReducer(state: MyState, action: MyAction): MyState = when (action) {
    is MyAction.Increment -> {
        state.copy(counter = state.counter + 1)
    is MyAction.Decrement -> {
        state.copy(counter = state.counter - 1)
    is MyAction.SetContent -> {
        state.copy(content = action.content)

Note: You should not mutate the state parameter. It's recommended to use immutable data types.


You create a Redux store with a createReduxStore function, passing the reducer function reference and the initial state of the application.

val store = createReduxStore(::myReducer, MyState("Hello World!", 0))

You can get the current state with a getState method.

val currentState: MyState = store.getState()

Dispatching actions

To change the state of the application you have to use the dispatch method of the store object.

store.dispatch(MyAction.SetContent("Welcome to KVision!"))
println(store.getState()) // MyState("Welcome to KVision!", 1)

KVision comes with Redux Thunk middleware already installed, and you can also dispatch functions, so called "action creators", which get dispatch and getState functions as parameters. This is the recommended way to dispatch actions asynchronously.

store.dispatch { dispatch, getState ->
    }, 1000)

Subscribing to the store

Any part of your application can be notified about the new state of the Redux store. You can use the subscribe method of the store for that purpose.

store.subscribe { state ->

State binding

To help you describe the relationship between the state of the Redux store and the appearance of the application, KVision allows you to bind the store state with a content of any container. By using the stateBinding extension function, you can use standard KVision DSL builders to easily represent the UI as the function of the state. The container content will be automatically refreshed after the state of the application changes.

hPanel(spacing = 10).stateBinding(store) { state ->
    for (i in 1..state.counter) {

Note: You can have multiple containers bound to the same Redux store. You can also create and use multiple stores, although this is not considered a good practice.

Using additional middleware

You can use any Redux middleware with KVision. You just have to add a correct npm dependency to your build.gradle.kts.

kotlinFrontend {
    npm {
        dependency("redux-logger", "3.0.6")    

Then create a middleware object with require() function and pass it to the createStore function (as a last, vararg parameter).

val reduxLogger = require("redux-logger").default
val store = createReduxStore(::myReducer, MyState("Hello World!", 0), reduxLogger)

Note: Different middleware can have different ways and options of creating their main objects.

Note: The middleware will not work with the Kotlin object, but with the internal state of the JS Redux store.

Using ReduxKotlin

ReduxKotlin is a multiplatform Kotlin library, created from scratch as a port of the JavaScript Redux. KVision contains the kvision-redux-kotlin module, based on this Kotlin library, which is fully interchangable with kvision-redux module and gives you the same API. There are some pros and cons of using ReduxKotlin library, though.



  • full compatibility with Kotlin classes

  • smaller resulting bundle size

  • multiplatform support (ability to share Redux code between client and server modules)

  • no support for Redux DevTools Extension

  • small ecosystem of existing extensions (compared to original JavaScript Redux)

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